Wednesday, September 22, 2010

...Moleskine Reward!...

On the first page of "
Moleskine" it says, followed by lines, "In case of loss, please return to:"...and I wrote, Garrett Kennedy, and my email address,

Below that, it says, "As a reward:", and then a dollar sign, $...this led me to write, "Ha!" with an arrow pointing to that dollar sign...but, then I listed 10 realistic rewards you could receive if one day you happened upon my lost they are:

2. Chocolate Milkshake...that brings all the boys to the yard (Boston accent)
3. High-five
4. A Big Salad
5. A reading of a list of rewards that you will never truly receive
6. One delicious chicken wing with your choice of sauce (he's pro-choice when it comes to sauce, people, but not for women's rights!)
7. A couple of laughs that'll give you gas...lady in front of you already found one of these, apparently!
8. Skin of ones mole (ladies and gentlemen, Skin of Ones Mole!...a band coming to perform near you!
9. Live living room performance of Andy Sandberg playing Mark Wahlberg talking to animals
10. Lists don't need ten!

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