Tuesday, November 06, 2007

...the Writers of Behind the Times...

…the writers of the Guild are on strike…and you can’t see behind the picket signs, but Alex Rodriguez is somewhere in there striking as well…and you can’t see behind “living in the now”, but movie and television writers are behind that…and behind the times man…as you noticed, my last blog post was on August 22nd…I’ve HAD BEEN striking since…people ask me what I’ve been up to…I tell them I’ve been striking…and they insist, asking ‘bout my aspirations of being a writer…what else have I been up to…well if YOU people must know…I’ve busy…balding…I’m an aspiring bald man…what else?...well, balding takes up much time and that is my aspiration at the moment…once I achieve this, I will get a career…don’t worry…blogging is no career so you’all can look forward to more frequent posts…maybe they might even be Daily…like Nuggets were meant to be…

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