Saturday, September 24, 2011

...Two Guys in Front a Deli...

A: See that guy over there?

B: What guy?

A: That guy

B: Oh yeah, you know that guy?

A: No

B: Then what about him?

A: I hate that guy

B: Why do you hate that guy?

(A looks at B like how could you ask such a question)

A: Just look at 'em

B: Oh yeah, I hate that guy too


A: See that guy over there?

B: What guy?

A: That guy

B: Oh yeah, you hate that guy too?

A: No, I love that guy

B: Why do you love that guy?

A: It's called just get a feeling, you know, a gut should know something about that

(A slaps B's gut)

B: Feels like I've had this conversation before...but looking in the mirror - "I love that guy"..."I hate that guy"...

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