Monday, April 11, 2011

...end of class speech...

...Let's talk about greatness...Everybody dreams about it...from the greatness of athletes and their performances on the biggest of actors on stages, some less lit off Broadway, but the greatness none less greater than those on the biggest of doctors performing never before surgeries...and teachers inspiring our world's future athletes, doctors and teachers, and world leaders...Greatness...

...This isn't a Nike commercial...or just a reflection of greatness in ones personal journal...what about greatness that isn't on the biggest screens...greatness that seeks no big stage and stays in the shade...Obviously I'm getting at imagining the day that person was home alone, coffee and other such things a-brewing...the tree did make a sound when nobody was around to hear it -- for shit stinks just as badly when nobody else is around to smell it...what I'm getting at is the greatness of the day that person was alone at home and took the greatest shit of all time...

...Ok, class dismissed...reflect on that until next class... ...

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