Saturday, June 19, 2010


- I’m writing in this just to stay awake…

- “Insomnia ain’t a good life…but it’s mine”…
“The night life ain’t a good life…but it’s mine”…The Strange Boys

- Instead of giving a toast…make toast at dinner…anybody here have their pocket toaster?…

- Dude farts and says to person next to him, “I would say excuse me, but I’m not interested in saying things I don’t mean…so I’m not going to say excuse me”…then he attempts to walk around the person next to him and says, “Excuse me”…the different excuse mes…

- The homeless sleep upon the bench/ not the slightest interested in current events/ he just uses it as a blanket 4 whatever he considers sacred for his future...

- This writing is my footprint/ without it the daydreams are worthless/ unless I convince myself that staring at the wall is my dayshift…

- Had conversation with my cat Lil’ Bobby Dylan today…told him, “Jonathan’s been gone for months…he must miss you so much…I’m sitting right next to you and miss you”…

- You say – the fact of the matter
I say – it’s not about matter of fact, but about my opinion that should be fact…

- “Bob, I think it’s a shame you have to stand and eat,” I said to my cat Lil’ Bobby Dylan...

- Raspberry Iced Tea is my favorite drink and should be everyone’s because it’s that delicious…it’s not?…that’s what I thought…

- Soul pleading the 5th…

- You put the cup in the fridge, it cleans it…it doesn’t?…

- “Go to hell”… "No, I think I’ll stay here……or , oh ok…when’s the next flight?…or should I say dive”…

- Go to the park…write an essay called “Judge” and judge everybody you see…then look in the mirror…and confirm you’re better than everybody…

- Might consider changing blog to “Soul Nuggets”…

- “That place Okeanos…the restaurant in Park Slope…it’s got good stuff…but their glasses have lots of condensation”…

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